Jamgamma (name changed) is an elderly lady about 60 years old. She has been living with diabetes and high blood pressure for the last 10 years. She has been experiencing occasional pain in her chest  for the last few months and thus, was mobilised to the UPHC by project staff for undergoing a free of cost ECG test last month; things did not seem fine as the medical officer advised her to go to nearest hospital for further check-ups and treatment.

Since inception, it has been an effort from the NCD project in Mysore at the UPHC to forge partnerships with the nearby private hospitals for subsidised or free of cost quality secondary care and tertiary care for needy patients. Jayadeva heart hospital in the vicinity of project location has come forward to join us #KHPT as one such partner. Now, Jamgamma has been assured free of cost treatment and care at Jayadeva hospital. Kudos to the effective facilitation by the NCD team! And of course thanks to the openness of facilities that support most needy patients.

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