KHPT has a dedicated team pursuing impactful public health research focused on vulnerable communities including persons with TB , persons living with Non-Communicable Diseases, Persons living with HIV (PLHIV), adolescents, pregnant women and newborns, children, the elderly, and migrants.

We do not conduct any biomedical research or clinical research involving the administration of drugs or any such methods. The majority of our research proposals involve socio-behavioural studies and focus on behaviour change and health systems strengthening through mixed methods research and participatory research involving diverse stakeholders. Evidence generation and learning through robust research have informed programme design, implementation and evaluation.

KHPT’s Institutional Ethics Committee

The scope of KHPT Institutional Ethics Committee (KHPT IEC), or Ethics Committee (EC), as it is commonly called, will involve reviewing socio-behavioural research studies, research studies involving minimal risks and less than minimal risks, and research studies involving non-invasive or minimally invasive sampling collection procedures. KHPT EC will review both internal and external research studies. KHPT EC’s registration with the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Government of India) has been approved (EC/NEW/INST/2023/3255)

The objectives of the EC are

  • To ensure the rights and safety of participating communities and individuals in compliance with the national research ethics guidelines and relevant regulatory frameworks.
  • To ensure members of the KHPT team are well-versed in research ethics discourse and the obligations they have towards communities they engage with through programmes and research.
  • To equip teams to carefully consider ethical aspects during the conceptual design, implementation, and evaluation of programmes. KHPT EC aims to ensure an appropriate and sustainable system for reviewing the scientific merit and ethical soundness of all research, as per the guidelines laid out by the Indian Council of Medical Research’s National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants (ICMR, 2017).

Members of the Ethics Committee

KHPT’s Scientific Review Committee

The brainstorming of several conceptual, substantive and operational matters within the organisation led to recognition the need for the formation of KHPT’s Scientific Review Committee along with the Institutional Ethics Committee. The Scientific Review Committee or Scientific Committee (SC) is an internal team of multi-disciplinary experts to provide scientific guidance and direction to KHPT to thoroughly review all the research proposals, project reports and other scientific documentation. The SC will majorly review the study for the overall research design, rationale for study methodology employed, hypothesis tested, data collection and analysis methods, population and control group allocations, outcomes being evaluated and scientific reporting etc.

Members of Scientific Committee