October 18, 2023
KHPT has received formal approval from the National Ethics Committee Registry for Biomedical and Health Research (NECRBHR), Department of Health Research (DHR), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, to establish and operationalize an Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC). The IEC is constituted according to the National Ethical Guideline for Biomedical and Health Research (2017) of the Indian Council of Medical Research.
The KHPT IEC has the objectives of ensuring the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of human participants involved in a study; reviewing and approving study protocol/proposal, the suitability of the investigators, facilities, methods; documenting the informed consent of the participants and safeguarding their confidentiality; conducting a continuing review of each ongoing study at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk to human participants; reviewing certain types of adverse events and any harmthat happens as a result of the study, and monitoring the approved study siteuntil completion of the research to check for compliance
The seven-member IEC is comprised of a chairperson and basic medical scientist from KIMS Medical College, a Member Secretary, social scientist and clinician from KHPT, a legal expert and a community representative.