Mysuru NCD project has witnessed a peculiar supply induced demand towards the end of the year-1 phase-1 part of the project. From a meagre 8% of OPD load being NCD cases (diabetics and hypertensive) in August 2017, it was 57% in May 2018. Interestingly, this increase in patient flow was observed before any active interventions being implemented or innovations tried out. We could associate this increase in footfalls (Fig 1) to a message regarding availability of NCD services at UPHC delivered to people during screening process and to the enthusiastic PHC staff of the Kumbarakoppalu PHC. On the latter, specifically after the joining of the new medical officer during July 2017, NCD care received much priority and staff are functioning as a multi-disciplinary team under her guidance. Needless to say, currently the drug demand has also proportionately increased and we are ensuring seamless flow of drugs and consumables to this UPHC through our regular facilitation and advocacy with district officials. Log in to use Ginger Limited mode Servia.

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