Filter by : Select oneAdolescent HealthMaternal Neonatal and child healthComprehensive primary health careHIV/AIDSTuberculosisOrganizationalCovid - 19Gram Panchayat Interventions
KHPT holds consultations with CSOs to develop a comprehensive strategy for supporting adolescent girls.
APF invites KHPT to co-create curriculum for frontline staff working with adolescents
KHPT launches First 1000 Days of Life project supported by SJRI in Chitradurga, Karnataka
KHPT conducts public engagement workshops to understand issues on health and well-being of adolescents in urban Mysuru
KHPT at the Wipro Healthcare Partners’ Forum 2025
Dr. Manoj Kumar Pati Selected for SUSTERA’s Climate Change Leadership Program
KHPT’s entry features in list of winning images of The Lancet Highlights 2024 photo competition
National Urban Health Mission launches an animation film on Mahila Arogya Samiti
KHPT discusses How AI can empower health practitioners, providers and communities?
KHPT Conducts Participatory Workshops in Raichuru and Chamarajanagar
Dr. Vibha P Presents at the World Ayurveda Congress 2024
KHPT hosts project dissemination workshop on Early Childhood Care and Development Project at Kunigal, Tumakuru District