16 August 2021: Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT) bagged the Best NGO award under the Upliftment of Diabetes Care in Resource-Limited areas (Tribal, slums, etc) category at the 1st International Conference on ‘Innovations by NGO’s in Diabetes Care.’
The virtual conference held in Ahmedabad from 12-14 of August, witnessed participants from 31 countries, 249 cities of India, and 687 NGOs across the world.
“Innovations by NGOs in Diabetes Care” conference was conceptualized to identify and address the multi-dimensional challenges in Diabetes care with better preparedness and also bring all stakeholders on a common platform. The program of the conference was prepared with an objective of mutual learning from the rich experience from participating stakeholders-Medical Professionals, Governmental organizations, NGO leadership, Volunteers, Leading National& International Experts, Social& Scientific Researchers, CSR Leadership, Financial institutions, and Pharma professionals.
KHPT with its Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) team actively participated in this conference and made presentations on its diabetes care program in two of the major sessions. One of the presentations was in the Innovations session titled Innovations by NGO’s in Diabetes Care by stakeholders, the other one was in the Sweet Awards session under the category Upliftment of Diabetes Care in Resource-Limited areas (Tribal, slums, etc) where it won the Best NGO award. Additionally, Dr. Swaroop N, Thematic Lead, CPHC was a panelist on the opening day panel discussion on Challenges in Running Diabetes NGO, Enrolling Volunteers and Keep Their Motivation High Level for a Longer Period.
Strengthening Continuum of Care of Non-Communicable Diseases within Urban Health Systems in Mysore, Karnataka: Medtronic Foundation has collaborated with KHPT to leverage on its existing efforts on improving Non- Communicable Diseases (NCD) continuum of  care and supplement it by bringing in improved patient-centricity into the model. The project aims to develop an innovative community health worker (CHW) model embedded within the existing urban health system to achieve improved NCD outcomes for a minimum of 60% of  the population with a focus on the underserved. The implementation model is built upon four core strategic pillars such as patient-. centric focus, community empowerment & ownership, digital solutions, and facility/health systems.
The project is currently being implemented across five UPHC areas of Mysuru city, Karnataka, with active intervention in one of the PHCs (Kumbarakoppalu) where the model was initially piloted.
The program covered around 240,000 people with 40% of them belonging to the underserved category; 73,384 adults were screened for diabetes and hypertension. The total confirmed adults with Type 2 diabetes and hypertension were 13,111 (17.8%), of which 3747 were diabetic and 5041 were confirmed hypertensive and 4323 had both the conditions. While 50% of people with diabetes and 37.5 % of people with hypertension achieved improvement in their HbA1C levels and blood pressure levels respectively.

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