A photograph of KHPT’s Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) project in Mysuru, taken by Mr. Balasubramanya KV, Consultant – Communication and Advocacy, was listed as one of 17 winning images of the Lancet Highlights 2021: line of sight photography competition. The photograph, features a yoga instructor demonstrating a pose to a class of persons with NCDs. It reflects KHPT’s comprehensive care model, which includes strategies to improve access, coverage, and deliver quality NCD care to poor and vulnerable people in the urban neighbourhood of Kumbara Koppalu in Mysuru city. As part of KHPT’s work, 590 people with diabetes and hypertension have been trained so far to practise yoga to boost physical activity.

This is the sixth time KHPT has had a winning entry featuring its interventions in the Lancet; five of the entries have been taken by Mr. Balasubramanya and the sixth by Mr. N P Jayan, a press photographer.

The Lancet’s list of winning entries may be found here.

Mr Balasubramanya’s reflections on the process of taking the winning photograph can be found in this blog post.

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