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BMJ Public Health publishes Koppal study on Kangaroo Mother Care scale-up impact
KHPT hosts ‘Research Day’ to discuss Preconception Care studies
KHPT shares strategies to address malnutrition among adolescent girls through dissemination workshops in Koppal and Bengaluru
Sphoorthi girls interact with senior Government of Karnataka officials
KHPT organizes roundtable discussion on women driving health equity in collaboration with USAID and the US Consulate, Hyderabad
KHPT organizes national-level learning workshop on Large Scale Food Fortification
Dr Ramanaik, Thematic Lead for Adolescent Health, gives TEDx talk in Bengaluru
KHPT organizes colloquium on ‘Human Development and Health in Karnataka’
KHPT invited to share experiences at three events on adolescence and childhood
KHPT team presents six abstracts at UNION Conference 2023 in Paris
KHPT orgaizes colloquium on“Theatre as a Tool for Social Transformation”
KHPT presents gender-based violence prevention strategy at UK conference