Our work in HIV addressed the disease in the context of vulnerabilities and socio-cultural barriers faced by the most at-risk, marginalized and socially excluded populations, including female sex workers (FSWs), men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgenders, as well as children infected and affected by HIV. Our innovations were developed after developing a deep understanding of the barriers which prevented them from seeking care and their aspirations for their own lives and future. These ranged from simple innovations that ranged from colour-coded medication packaging to those with long-term impact, such as the community mobilization model which resulted in the collectivization of sex workers.

From Risk to Vulnerability: A globally recognized HIV community mobilization model (2007-2010)
Prevention of Parent-to- Child Transmission (PPTCT) - (2003-2010)
Syndromic Case Management for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Colour Coded Medicines (2010)
Community-led Crisis Management Initiative – (2011)
Link Worker Model for rural populations (2004 -2010)
Police and Media Advocacy and Training (2008-2011)
Single Window Cash Transfer System for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS (2009-2010)