Assessment of Impact of COVID-19 on Production and Fortification Processes of Edible Oil, Milk, and ...
March 10
Assessment of Impact of COVID-19 on Production and Fortification Processes of Edible Oil, Milk, and ...
March 10
Pathways to Absenteeism and School Dropout among Adolescent Girls in Koppal Taluka, Karnataka
January 27
Improving the Quality of Life of Adolescent Girls from Marginalised Communities in Koppal District, Karnataka
January 27
KHPT Brand Manual
January 22
COVID Newsletter
January 21
Manthana Oct- Dec 2020
January 09
Rethinking Social Impact in the context of NCDs to advance a people-centred approach to access
January 07
Drivers of Industrialization- Expert Conversations on Mining and Industrial Workers, Health and TB
January 05
Inequalities Within Our Cities: Expert Conversations on Urban Poor, Health & TB
January 05
In-between Home and Destination: Expert Conversations on Migrants, Health and TB
January 05
Reducing Delays among TB patients in Bengaluru through THALI
December 30