The Knowledge Management Unit, KHPT, organized a  colloquium on August 31 at the KHPT office title ‘Decentralization: A Panacea – The Conversation continues’, facilitated by Mr Mohan HL, CEO, KHPT.

The discussions revolved around two films  based on the themes of the evolution of Panchayat system, and the rationale for affirmative action at the rural level for decision making.  The discussion laid emphasis on the need for the Constitution and the political system to be dynamic, in order to foster accountability, transparency and democratic decision making. The discussions also dispelled the myths that finances and resolution of grassroot issues are possible only from the top  rungs of the administration. Rather, innovative methods like social audits and of revenue raising are possible through decentralisation. The colloquium was interactive and engaging, compelling the participants to reflect on the films and ask questions of Mr Mohan, who has extensive experience working with grassroots organizations

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