
Prevention of TB among vulnerable populations

Increase TB case notifications

Increase successful treatment outcomes for TB patients

Our Current Projects


Breaking the Barriers

Developing innovative behaviour change operational models that improve coverage of specific vulnerable populations for improved TB treatment outcomes

Joint Effort for Elimination of Tuberculosis (JEET) 2.0

Addressing Latent TB Infection through increased access to TB Preventive Treatment

Leadership for Triumph: Community-led and community rights focused TB Response

Latest Updates

Voices from the Ground

“My husband had TB three times and died. He never took treatment properly; he would throw his medication in the gutter. I lost a valuable person. After getting TB, people think their life is over; they get depressed and stop eating. I can tell them
that even though I have HIV, I have never got TB because I look after myself ”


Secretary of the Navjyoti Network for Persons Living with HIV in Koppal.

She is working with KHPT under its community structures initiative which aims to engage established community organizations to take ownership of TB control in their areas.

“I am motivated to work with the community as I feel one among them. They treat me with utmost respect and dignity. I work in slums where people live in poverty and I feel good when I can enlighten them through knowledge and help patients get cured of TB,”


A community health worker who worked with KHPT in Bengaluru during the THALI project

“Most PLHIVs are neglected both in society as well as in the family. Adding to this stigma, TB is another great challenge we face. Motivating other patients makes me stronger. My biggest achievement as a TB Champion is that I was successful in motivating a bedridden TB-HIV patient to adhere to treatment and get cured of TB, ”

Nagaratna Alavandi

Nagaratna works with a network of persons living with HIV in Koppal and is a TB Champion in her community.

“Earlier, we were keeping TB patients away separately from the living area because of fear but now (after interacting with community health workers), we came to know that we are doing wrong. TB is a curable disease. If the person takes medicines regularly, there is no need to keep him separately.”


President of Sri Sai Mahila Sangh, a Self-help Group partnering with KHPT in Koppal district

Previous Projects

Jilla Samudaya Vedike (JSV)


Increasing TB case finding and improving TB treatment outcomes using a patient-centred approach to care and treatment support in urban settings


Engaging community-based providers to improve TB services for vulnerable populations


Strengthening private providers’ capacities in TB prevention and care

Market-based Partnerships for Health (MBPH) Project

Enabling partnerships between the public and private sectors for better TB care and support

Tuberculosis Partners